Your hair looks just fine, Malin. You are very lovely. I would use a different photo to promote yourself that has your face angled in a more traditional is a little too close-up...just my two cents!! The scarf really accentuates the color of your eyes; excellent choice!Love your last earrings (white stone pendant with red). Thanks.
and Marc,Kobe was the 4th best SG with more than 400 MP last season according to the automated wins produced numbers (Wade,Iggy,Manu then Kobe) and 28th overall. So he should not be on the most overrated list. He is not close to being the best player in the league or at his position (never mind that he plays on one of the best teams).
goodnight. No discussions or games.Lately, with my son’s semi-insomnia we tried a sound machine with gentle rain sounds… I think it’s helped give him something to focus his mind on instead of all the inventions and stories he wants to create.
Slachtofferrol!!!???? waar heb je het over?Beste vele een Aai(Bol)jullie hebben een probleem en dat los je niet op door de hele dag achter de pc te gaan zitten janken. Ik raad jullie aan om een goede psygiater te bezoeken. Jammer voor jullie,ik weet dat HET je pijn doet maar ik zeg het toch: IK BEPAAL ZELF WAT IK DOE.Als je daar niet mee kan leven kan je altijd lid worden van de KKK
dit :Merci Lucie pour ton message a Yude.Il t’ecrira sous peu avec grand plaisir toutes ces merveilleuses decouvertes mexicaines…Quel bel exercice d’ecriture!Merci a l’ecole Le Rebond pour votre belle ouverture d’esprit.A bientot! [lo siento, les claviers mexicains n'offrent pas les accents!]yude+la familia
Hello Lisa,I am so glad that the bone marrow came back free of Neuroblastoma cell and the scan didn’t reveal any new growth.I am so sorry Robyn has to go through this, she is simply amazing!Thinking of you ladies xxx
Shaula, following you and your twins on your East Timor 1/2 island adventure, has been such a treat! I’m looking forward to reading about what Jakarta will bring for you and your family. And I’m so loving that another piece of the World Moms Blog family will meet offline — I hear you have plans to meet Maureen of Tatterscoops in Indonesia! So exciting!!!Jen
, the function to put the icon in the right place doesn’t seem to be working quite right on your site, so I will need to look at this further. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to do this until this evening.
posso permettermi un consiglio, non si lasci “sedurre” dallo spirito di “dialogo” della “cara” Marina… se legge attentamente le sue “domande” si rende conto da che parte spira il vento… fossi in lei farei fagotto prima che la bufera la sorprenda… e mi creda, simili bufere è meglio evitarle.Cordialmente
Nice capture – spent a fair bit of time around Linnane, Lough Inagh and Achill in 2010 and got some good shots – a truely beautiful part of the country – getting away from it all in these troubled times
Sehr "akkurat", wie meine Oma immer sagte. Trotzdem (für mich gerade deswegen) sehr gemütlich. In deiner Küche würde ich auch gerne kochen (und essen).Ich hab das Kehrtürl am Vorher-Foto entdeckt. Jetzt weiss ich, was du mit dem Kaminofenproblem meintest. Um das native Rapsöl von Hardegg beneide ich dich - hast du das am Gut gekauft?
mr bean jadi shrek paling kacak :embarrassed_ee:[] Reply:April 19th, 2010 at 6:43 pmtak kacak mana pun..nape muka ye tak warna hijau? hahaah…elvis presley smart…hahah.. :snake_ee: :snake_ee:
Sat, 14 Jan 2017 01:47:12 +0800
Your hair looks just fine, Malin. You are very lovely. I would use a different photo to promote yourself that has your face angled in a more traditional is a little too close-up...just my two cents!! The scarf really accentuates the color of your eyes; excellent choice!Love your last earrings (white stone pendant with red). Thanks.
Sat, 14 Jan 2017 00:57:50 +0800
Deep thought! Thanks for contributing.
Sat, 14 Jan 2017 00:47:57 +0800
and Marc,Kobe was the 4th best SG with more than 400 MP last season according to the automated wins produced numbers (Wade,Iggy,Manu then Kobe) and 28th overall. So he should not be on the most overrated list. He is not close to being the best player in the league or at his position (never mind that he plays on one of the best teams).
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 19:21:46 +0800
IJWTS wow! Why can't I think of things like that?
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 17:54:25 +0800
goodnight. No discussions or games.Lately, with my son’s semi-insomnia we tried a sound machine with gentle rain sounds… I think it’s helped give him something to focus his mind on instead of all the inventions and stories he wants to create.
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 16:25:41 +0800
Slachtofferrol!!!???? waar heb je het over?Beste vele een Aai(Bol)jullie hebben een probleem en dat los je niet op door de hele dag achter de pc te gaan zitten janken. Ik raad jullie aan om een goede psygiater te bezoeken. Jammer voor jullie,ik weet dat HET je pijn doet maar ik zeg het toch: IK BEPAAL ZELF WAT IK DOE.Als je daar niet mee kan leven kan je altijd lid worden van de KKK
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 16:13:36 +0800
Acho que o melhor é dizer que isto aconteceu apesar da classe polÃtica que temos, em especial de Sócrates..Não esquecer o que Tim Harford em "Adapt" escreve sobre os apoios governamentais:."The problem seems to be that governments love to back losers: think about the big banks or car companies. The ideal candidate to receive government support seems to be a company that is very big and very unsuccessful. This is the perfect formula for sustained failure.".Qimondas, Aerosoles, PPPs, ...
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 15:38:34 +0800
Great article but it didn't have everything-I didn't find the kitchen sink!
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 14:58:28 +0800
Sinto uma enorme alegria em meu coração com tão bela oração e intercessão Divina aos nossos irmãos que partiram e esperam como nós a misericórdia Divina para a sua e nossa Salvação. Parabéns por nos tornar ciente de oracões tão fortes e capazes de Libertar almas necessitadas. Que Deus abençoe e ilumine sua vida. Obrigada.
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 14:08:03 +0800
dit :Merci Lucie pour ton message a Yude.Il t’ecrira sous peu avec grand plaisir toutes ces merveilleuses decouvertes mexicaines…Quel bel exercice d’ecriture!Merci a l’ecole Le Rebond pour votre belle ouverture d’esprit.A bientot! [lo siento, les claviers mexicains n'offrent pas les accents!]yude+la familia
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 13:53:58 +0800
Hello Lisa,I am so glad that the bone marrow came back free of Neuroblastoma cell and the scan didn’t reveal any new growth.I am so sorry Robyn has to go through this, she is simply amazing!Thinking of you ladies xxx
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 13:50:17 +0800
fracassosandona scrive:voglio lavorare alla fir: 2.400.000 euro /48 = mediamente 50.000,00 euro a testa…preoccupante la spesa per l’antidoping: 15.000 euro su un bilancio da 36.000.000 è nulla…fatture da emettere… per quanto ne capisco io di bilanci (né poco né troppo) è una voce solitamente imbarazzante… soprattutto quando ammonta a 800.000 euro…lascio ogni considerazione agli economisti del forum che sono sicuramente più ferrati di me in materia…
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 12:00:36 +0800
Shaula, following you and your twins on your East Timor 1/2 island adventure, has been such a treat! I’m looking forward to reading about what Jakarta will bring for you and your family. And I’m so loving that another piece of the World Moms Blog family will meet offline — I hear you have plans to meet Maureen of Tatterscoops in Indonesia! So exciting!!!Jen
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 11:37:48 +0800
, the function to put the icon in the right place doesn’t seem to be working quite right on your site, so I will need to look at this further. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to do this until this evening.
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 10:33:22 +0800
posso permettermi un consiglio, non si lasci “sedurre” dallo spirito di “dialogo” della “cara” Marina… se legge attentamente le sue “domande” si rende conto da che parte spira il vento… fossi in lei farei fagotto prima che la bufera la sorprenda… e mi creda, simili bufere è meglio evitarle.Cordialmente
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 09:53:15 +0800
Nice capture – spent a fair bit of time around Linnane, Lough Inagh and Achill in 2010 and got some good shots – a truely beautiful part of the country – getting away from it all in these troubled times
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 09:47:46 +0800
Essays like this are so important to broadening people's horizons.
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 09:14:31 +0800
Sehr "akkurat", wie meine Oma immer sagte. Trotzdem (für mich gerade deswegen) sehr gemütlich. In deiner Küche würde ich auch gerne kochen (und essen).Ich hab das Kehrtürl am Vorher-Foto entdeckt. Jetzt weiss ich, was du mit dem Kaminofenproblem meintest. Um das native Rapsöl von Hardegg beneide ich dich - hast du das am Gut gekauft?
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 08:14:56 +0800
mr bean jadi shrek paling kacak :embarrassed_ee:[] Reply:April 19th, 2010 at 6:43 pmtak kacak mana pun..nape muka ye tak warna hijau? hahaah…elvis presley smart…hahah.. :snake_ee: :snake_ee:
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 07:57:19 +0800
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