Maybe it's a Brit/American thing, but I would have added "in" to the tagline so it read "Originals never fit in." The first time I saw them, I took it to mean that the jeans don't fit, which leads to people looking at you funny. Okay, I'm going to take off my "client hat" now. Nice, simple campaign.
I am finding these Google updates inconsistant. Its still not improving my user experience. I have noticed pre panda and penguin I used to be able to find what I want which is current. Now I search I get stuff back from 2006 which is out dated. Or websites which have not been updated in 2 years getting higher rankings than regularly updated sites with better content.
Katmandu scrive:Concordo sul fatto che anche il sudafricano è un pò meglio (non troppo) degli altri in quanto tecnica individuale e linea di corsa ma se metti il profeta nel deserto mi spieghi chi lo segue? E comunque non è la prima volta che toppa i movimenti difensivi e quindi è molto pericoloso e i guadagni che fa sono forse annullati dagli errori messi in campo
Shana and All,The last fireball we have received from Texas occurred on 2/17 at 7:45pm CST. We invite you to fill out a fireball report and to share your video on the AMS website.Thanks!Robert LunsfordAmerican Meteor Society
Awwwwww! (Tell me this is from that place with the extreme discount, please!)(Which style reminded you of Rose? Because I thought of her a lot when I was looking through the different lines myself. ; )
nothing about ME also being an ageless wonder – which I have to admit gives me a bit of a complex – yes, Hubs has aged very well. But he does have quite a bit more grey hair around his temples now than he used to. Though whether from his students, Lil’ Bit, me, or a combination of all three, we’re not sure.
Shambhala, I think it was a hit and run. Wait... was that harmful rhetoric? DAMN THAT PALIN! Anyway since the ants in the ant farm seem to have become self-aware, there might be a few more. But I also believe their "moment of clarity" will pass and they'll bury their heads back in the sand and it'll be back to business as usual.By that I mean one angry little ball-of-hate will be all that will remain for us to trifle with.
solar trees are cooler than any other public lightning in vienna and almost anywhere else…imagine a boulevard full with it…what we have seen is a prototype. This work is untouchable even in it´s first steps…
Walal jimcale wan ku salamay 114 salan ka dib dadka aan wax isku dhalin wali waxa la dhahay waxa laga raba aqonsi surtagal ma tahay warqdaha mandhaytka la dhoho oo ay bixiso unhcr ma noqon karan aqonsi walalayal qofki igu cawin kara akhbar wan ka codsanayaU codee: 0 0
"Hell, we all know that he will be a future manager/GM/part-owner of the Yanks at some point after he retires anyway!" No, not really. In fact, I very much doubt it.
Niet lachen, maar als ik het op de grond moet doen, dan ga ik op mijn buik liggen en dan rijgen, dan voelt mijn rug prettiger dan ik op mijn knietjes zit. Geen gezicht, maar het werkt wel.Succes bij het dubbelen!!Fijn dubbelweekend!
Tue, 18 Oct 2016 01:04:13 +0800
Maybe it's a Brit/American thing, but I would have added "in" to the tagline so it read "Originals never fit in." The first time I saw them, I took it to mean that the jeans don't fit, which leads to people looking at you funny. Okay, I'm going to take off my "client hat" now. Nice, simple campaign.
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 23:19:16 +0800
I am finding these Google updates inconsistant. Its still not improving my user experience. I have noticed pre panda and penguin I used to be able to find what I want which is current. Now I search I get stuff back from 2006 which is out dated. Or websites which have not been updated in 2 years getting higher rankings than regularly updated sites with better content.
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 23:13:32 +0800
Katmandu scrive:Concordo sul fatto che anche il sudafricano è un pò meglio (non troppo) degli altri in quanto tecnica individuale e linea di corsa ma se metti il profeta nel deserto mi spieghi chi lo segue? E comunque non è la prima volta che toppa i movimenti difensivi e quindi è molto pericoloso e i guadagni che fa sono forse annullati dagli errori messi in campo
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 20:00:47 +0800
Shana and All,The last fireball we have received from Texas occurred on 2/17 at 7:45pm CST. We invite you to fill out a fireball report and to share your video on the AMS website.Thanks!Robert LunsfordAmerican Meteor Society
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 19:46:57 +0800
Bonsoir l’équipe,Tout d’abord je vous remercie pour cet artcile clair, détaillé et extrêmement utile !Or je me pose toujours une question : que mettre avec un haut beige. Voilà j’ai un cardigan beige, et je ne sais pas quoi porter comme pantalon avec ce cardigan, à part un jean bleu foncé…Pourriez-vous me dire à quelles couleurs de pantalon je peux associer ce cardigan beige svp ? Je vous remercie d’avance. Amicalement.
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 19:42:22 +0800
Awwwwww! (Tell me this is from that place with the extreme discount, please!)(Which style reminded you of Rose? Because I thought of her a lot when I was looking through the different lines myself. ; )
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 18:39:44 +0800
سلاممن همه چی رو دانلود کردمولی این ارور رو به من میدهError during initialization:Steam must be running for initial authentication to succeed. Please start Steam and restart the game to continue.
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 17:16:59 +0800
Pero existen tantos lugares maravillosos y especiales como nos enseñas en tu blog????? éste es una pasada, adoro esos sillones de cuadritos rojos y blancos. Que linda decoración!!!Besos y felices vacaciones
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 16:51:10 +0800
nothing about ME also being an ageless wonder – which I have to admit gives me a bit of a complex – yes, Hubs has aged very well. But he does have quite a bit more grey hair around his temples now than he used to. Though whether from his students, Lil’ Bit, me, or a combination of all three, we’re not sure.
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 15:44:51 +0800
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 15:42:36 +0800
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 10:51:01 +0800
Shambhala, I think it was a hit and run. Wait... was that harmful rhetoric? DAMN THAT PALIN! Anyway since the ants in the ant farm seem to have become self-aware, there might be a few more. But I also believe their "moment of clarity" will pass and they'll bury their heads back in the sand and it'll be back to business as usual.By that I mean one angry little ball-of-hate will be all that will remain for us to trifle with.
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 08:43:26 +0800
So excited I found this article as it made things much quicker!
Sun, 16 Oct 2016 22:34:44 +0800
solar trees are cooler than any other public lightning in vienna and almost anywhere else…imagine a boulevard full with it…what we have seen is a prototype. This work is untouchable even in it´s first steps…
Sun, 16 Oct 2016 22:14:09 +0800
Walal jimcale wan ku salamay 114 salan ka dib dadka aan wax isku dhalin wali waxa la dhahay waxa laga raba aqonsi surtagal ma tahay warqdaha mandhaytka la dhoho oo ay bixiso unhcr ma noqon karan aqonsi walalayal qofki igu cawin kara akhbar wan ka codsanayaU codee: 0 0
Sun, 16 Oct 2016 20:12:23 +0800
This article is very interesting and gripping. I like your points of view and how well they are expressed. Your content is well-written. Thank you.
Sun, 16 Oct 2016 15:29:58 +0800
It's imperative that more people make this exact point.
Sun, 16 Oct 2016 13:43:47 +0800
I'm so glad I found my solution online.
Sun, 16 Oct 2016 08:09:24 +0800
"Hell, we all know that he will be a future manager/GM/part-owner of the Yanks at some point after he retires anyway!" No, not really. In fact, I very much doubt it.
Sun, 16 Oct 2016 06:54:13 +0800
Niet lachen, maar als ik het op de grond moet doen, dan ga ik op mijn buik liggen en dan rijgen, dan voelt mijn rug prettiger dan ik op mijn knietjes zit. Geen gezicht, maar het werkt wel.Succes bij het dubbelen!!Fijn dubbelweekend!