I came over from Kim’s blog! I am so glad I did! You have a wonderful blog and a wonderful family! You so much remind me of my daughter too! what an inspiration you are!
Great post and I can totally relate – I need to be a better disciplanarian of Lillie, that’s for so sure! It is soooo hard!No chocolate for dogs, ever! Surprised that passed by the editors at Big Bang Theory.
Hellöööööle,also für mich bitte einmal New York Canned Air zum Mitnehmen damit ich nochmal ein Stückchen NYC zuhause hab. Was fehlt mir diese Stadt!
calorieIs there a counter for under the age 18?I really ! I have been over weight almost my entire life! I finally feel motivated to start a diet and ! I am 15 and 200 pounds! Is there any online calorie counters to keep track of what I eat and how many calories online for my age? I found so many but they all say you have to be over the age of 18! Please help! Any diet and health tips would be helpful also!
Dianna, what a helpful post – you give people such confidence to get up and speak, and you also give them the tools they need. You’re the best!
Thanks for the script. It worked for me after I changed the single and double quotation marks from smart quotes (curvy) to regular (straight). You might want to see if you can display them as straight quotation marks on this site.
Aw Well done & congratulations just a mere baby it's my 36th in Oct, just keep on letting him think he's in charge & you'll soon catch me up. Janet
sudah saya kirim mas Adi via email, harap di cek ya untuk price listnya. untuk katalog masih blm saya kirim karena ada yang masih saya update. ongkos kirim ke barabai Rp 36.000/kg kalau mau yang lebih murah bisa menggunakan jasa cargo contoh: indah cargo, kdx, kartika dll Terima Kasih
“Walau begitu, Zaquan mengaku kesal dengan entri Twitternya yang mampu mengundang suasana ‘panas’ kepada Rita.”Kesal ke ko cuak dek..tros g taw press tu…goyang gayenyer..Well-loved.
I am in utter disbelief that someone would send money without checking with a single, solitary other family member. And hey, I love my kids, but you went and got yourself into jail and want $3,000 from me to get out? Let me think about this for a few days. A few weeks if it were a grandkid. Chuck W
Oh wow, this is fan-dab-i-dosey (no idea how you spell this...?) Mandy!!! Love the scene you've created and Tilda looks amazing, beautiful soft colours. Hope you are feeling much better xxx
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 22:43:03 +0800
cecebzh dit :j’ai trouvé une astuce un peu long mais ça fonctionne tu fais glissé tes apps dans le doc et comme par magie les nom des applis reviennent
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 22:04:58 +0800
I came over from Kim’s blog! I am so glad I did! You have a wonderful blog and a wonderful family! You so much remind me of my daughter too! what an inspiration you are!
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 22:02:04 +0800
Great post and I can totally relate – I need to be a better disciplanarian of Lillie, that’s for so sure! It is soooo hard!No chocolate for dogs, ever! Surprised that passed by the editors at Big Bang Theory.
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 21:08:26 +0800
Hellöööööle,also für mich bitte einmal New York Canned Air zum Mitnehmen damit ich nochmal ein Stückchen NYC zuhause hab. Was fehlt mir diese Stadt!
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 20:50:32 +0800
What a pleasure to find someone who identifies the issues so clearly
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 20:33:16 +0800
calorieIs there a counter for under the age 18?I really ! I have been over weight almost my entire life! I finally feel motivated to start a diet and ! I am 15 and 200 pounds! Is there any online calorie counters to keep track of what I eat and how many calories online for my age? I found so many but they all say you have to be over the age of 18! Please help! Any diet and health tips would be helpful also!
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 20:05:36 +0800
Olá, Luciano! Ouço os seus programas inteligentes, através da web rádio grande amor! Admiro e concordo, muitas vezes - uns 99% - com os seus pensamentos, suas ideias e opiniões sobre o mundo, a …
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 16:14:22 +0800
Dianna, what a helpful post – you give people such confidence to get up and speak, and you also give them the tools they need. You’re the best!
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 15:03:07 +0800
Thanks for the script. It worked for me after I changed the single and double quotation marks from smart quotes (curvy) to regular (straight). You might want to see if you can display them as straight quotation marks on this site.
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 14:25:58 +0800
Aw Well done & congratulations just a mere baby it's my 36th in Oct, just keep on letting him think he's in charge & you'll soon catch me up. Janet
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 14:00:43 +0800
Ca a l’air sympa comme jouet ! Je me demande encore si a été conçu pour les petits ou pour les grands ^^ J’aimerai voir ce que cela donne réellement :)
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 12:42:01 +0800
sudah saya kirim mas Adi via email, harap di cek ya untuk price listnya. untuk katalog masih blm saya kirim karena ada yang masih saya update. ongkos kirim ke barabai Rp 36.000/kg kalau mau yang lebih murah bisa menggunakan jasa cargo contoh: indah cargo, kdx, kartika dll Terima Kasih
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 12:04:28 +0800
“Walau begitu, Zaquan mengaku kesal dengan entri Twitternya yang mampu mengundang suasana ‘panas’ kepada Rita.”Kesal ke ko cuak dek..tros g taw press tu…goyang gayenyer..Well-loved.
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 11:54:35 +0800
Mais c’est plus confortable , plus consensuel TF1-neuilly, d’en rester comme vous faites, au fatras des clichés superficiels dont on vous bourre le crâneRédigé par: ojo | le 06 août 2008 à 13:00| Personnellement c’était ORTF et Saint-Denis.Pour les clichés, je ne connais pas l’adresse de votre galerie, mais vous avez sûrement des fonds pour de multiples expositions.
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 11:18:40 +0800
You are so awesome for helping me solve this mystery.
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 10:16:03 +0800
Pin my tail and call me a donkey, that really helped.
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 08:42:25 +0800
I am in utter disbelief that someone would send money without checking with a single, solitary other family member. And hey, I love my kids, but you went and got yourself into jail and want $3,000 from me to get out? Let me think about this for a few days. A few weeks if it were a grandkid. Chuck W
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 06:55:06 +0800
Oh wow, this is fan-dab-i-dosey (no idea how you spell this...?) Mandy!!! Love the scene you've created and Tilda looks amazing, beautiful soft colours. Hope you are feeling much better xxx
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 04:27:52 +0800
/ Eddig azért nem kezdtem ezt el, mert úgy gondoltam, hogy úgyse tudok mindent az utolsó szálig vezetni benne, és akkor nem is érdemes. (anyaa, vegyünk kukorit!, meg hopp egy kávéautomata meg ilyenek)De most, bár nincs még Szilveszter, minden megváltozik Holnap elseje, elkezdem Ãrni.Úgy látszik, ahogy öregszem egyre jobban kiüt rajtam a nagyanyám sváb vére
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 02:46:40 +0800
Pas du tout ! Il y a une navette en bus depuis l’aéroport Marco Polo qui vous emmène à la gare de Venise-Mestre pour 3,5 euros. De là , il suffit de prendre n’importe quel train ils finissent tous à la gare de Venise Santa-Lucia, un ticket coûte 1 euro ! Et c’est très rapide, confortable et fiable, je l’ai utilisé de nombreuses fois !