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Vitatkozni én sem a said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 21:00:56 +0800

Vitatkozni én sem akarok, itt van a kezemben a térkép, Tiadlan-ból nem látszik a Yian-Yiel, közte van Gro-Ugon. De ez csak a kákán csomó. Még szép, hogy megyek, mert szeretem, mint a szilvásbuktát!

Yeah, finally catchi said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 20:41:39 +0800

Yeah, finally catching up a bit, but lots of work to do. Fortunately, we’ve got some downtime here in the UK while waiting for our India visas. 10 days in the Cotswolds coming up.

När jag gick genom said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 20:26:35 +0800

När jag gick genom LH Kristianstad sa man till oss att vår utbildning är som till potatis; duger till nästan vad som helst. Är det det du menar med olika ingångar?Vi som gick där var alltifrån nybakade studenter till utbildade läkare. Nu är jag en gammal mosig potatis, pensionerad spec.lär. med isiga minnen av ambulering i Ålands skärgård.

Was lucky enough to said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 19:34:29 +0800

Was lucky enough to see the show a few weeks ago and was very impressed by Will as Raoul- also got his autograph after the show and he couldn’t have been more friendly and charming.

By the way, my son ( said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 18:11:02 +0800

By the way, my son (age 15) and I were sniping ground squirrels with my tricked out AR-15 at 250 yards from a hilltop yesterday. I do agree with some commentors that there are more effective inexpensive, and less time-consuming ways to control pests, but they are not near as fun.There is just something about seeing small animals turn to vapor through the crosshairs that satifies any real man's primitive primordial urges.

...As far as militar said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 17:08:03 +0800

...As far as military spending we need LOTS MORE.Military spending is the only proven way to produce Keynsian pump-priming."How did military spending work out for Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan?I'm curious.

At last, someone who said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 16:30:31 +0800

At last, someone who comes to the heart of it all

Great steps! We have said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 16:29:02 +0800

Great steps! We have a fully funded emergency fund, we are contributing to a Roth 401(k), and we have set financial goals that we want to achieve. Seems like we might be on the right track according to your post

rfederici disse:Lemb said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 12:33:47 +0800

rfederici disse:Lembremos que a Austrália esteve em todos os grandes conflitos, mesmo que periféricamente, com papel secundário. Está fazendo o que os USA esperam dela: melhorar seus equipamentos, abrir espaço para a presença americana para na hora H não depender tanto deles americanos. E … submarino sempre foi uma arma barata e eficiente, sem entrar no mérito das virtudes ou não dos Collins …

Gratulerer så mye m said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 12:31:07 +0800

Gratulerer sÃ¥ mye med dagen , kjære deg ♥SÃ¥ flink du var til Ã¥ kjøpe gaver. Det er noe med den shoppinga. Den virker som medisin...i alle fall en liten stund.Lekre klokker med bling. SÃ¥nt liker vi ;)Kos deg resten av bursdagen og god bedring !Klem fra Ingunn ♥

I think you've just said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 10:42:14 +0800

I think you've just captured the answer perfectly

IngeniousRoseJuly 27 said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 10:09:18 +0800

IngeniousRoseJuly 27, 2007 Oh Dulwich Mum, for a rather long moment there you had me thinking you were being slightly too harsh on the environmentalists, but then I read about your brand new Boden white jeans. I am now in total agreement with you.

Moments. She’ said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 10:03:29 +0800

Moments. She’s given me a few pointers as I am learning about doing photography myself. Although I don’t think I will ever be good enough to go pro. Anyway, thanks for the comment on my blog too. It’s crazy to have snow in the background yet still be warm enough to play shirtless outside, but alas, I live in Northern Michigan. Have a great day!

Well, Ive been tryin said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 08:49:47 +0800

Well, Ive been trying to upload a stupid video FOR 5 DAYS. I've tried both old and new uploader, both say "an unknown error occured". I've also tried diffrent formats, videos and even different websites! I could only upload a video I've uploaded before, which is JUST 1 SECOND. This thing sucks and had driven me INSAAANE!

Chris / The Metr said:
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 08:45:57 +0800

Chris / The Metro dash looks awesome, I’m curious how long it is in between obstacles though. Is it a long distance race with lots of obstacles or more like an obstacle course? Looks fun regardless.