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rigmaiden,Seeems you said:
Wed, 05 Oct 2016 10:36:41 +0800

rigmaiden,Seeems you are in the John Lott camp of those who believe in the power of deterrence given by keeping a loaded gun handy.It can work. And it can backfire.Circumstances matter. Do you believe in keeping a handgun in your pocket while at home? Do you live in a state of constant vigilance?It's okay with me if people shoot intruders. But history shows a lot of others get shot too. And when that happens, the occasional death becomes a major tragedy in the life of the home-owner.

A few words on Laura said:
Wed, 05 Oct 2016 08:51:47 +0800

A few words on Laura Schlitz's Newbery speech, which I heard at ALA. Fabulous talk, unfortunate comment on nonfiction, which was"Facts are necesssary, facts are useful, facts are fascinating. But stories enlarge our lives."Hey, folks, FACTS ARE STORIES -- when we write them.

M’agrada molt said:
Wed, 05 Oct 2016 08:12:39 +0800

M’agrada molt aquest relat!!Ai els joves enamorats… Qui no ho ha estat mai??En aquest relat tindria algunes suggerències, però li poso un 9 sobre 10.Salut Endsi, amic!!!

Normally I'm against said:
Wed, 05 Oct 2016 07:59:14 +0800

Normally I'm against killing but this article slaughtered my ignorance.

Your website has to said:
Wed, 05 Oct 2016 07:07:42 +0800

Your website has to be the electronic Swiss army knife for this topic.

I made this for a BB said:
Wed, 05 Oct 2016 05:42:24 +0800

I made this for a BBQ yesterday — a recommendation by a co-worker; and it was a hit. Everyone asked for the recipe. My husband thought it would be better with more cilantro and more pepper (he loves spicy food). And I did use half brown sugar and half regular sugar. Simply delicious! Oh, I served it with scoop corn chips!! h

I’ve not seen said:
Wed, 05 Oct 2016 04:25:25 +0800

I’ve not seen this many fanboys come to the defense of a fail game since the epic fail that was Dragon Age 2. And Dragon Age 2 was better then this gem of failure. Ignore the butthurt Joe. Those of us gamers who’re not blinded by fanboy-ism respect your reviews and your opinions. Why? Because they’re 99% of the time right on target. This time included.

pana la urma o sa vo said:
Wed, 05 Oct 2016 02:18:52 +0800

pana la urma o sa votez cu cineva, daca o sa fiu pe acasa...astept de undeva... o demontare a celor spuse despre macar unul dintre candidati, cu argumente un pic deasupra talibanilor de serviciu ai lor

Din morot så härli said:
Wed, 05 Oct 2016 01:17:20 +0800

Din morot så härligt läcker med jord och allt.. avlång, javisst är den.. Det ska väl vara på längden, inte avlång på tvären eller kan man kanske ha som man vill.. bara en tanke;-)

design? Rachel Mathe said:
Wed, 05 Oct 2016 01:01:10 +0800

design? Rachel Mathews at Successful Garden Design gives you all you need to recover from this in Do You Suffer From the Phobia that Effects New Garden Designers? Follow

Mark o'Brian sho said:
Wed, 05 Oct 2016 00:31:18 +0800

Mark o'Brian shows all the typical characterizations of the present day left: Insulting, ignorant and completely devoid of sense of humor. He has neither the civility to be courteous nor comes with any honest facts to support his disagreement, labels a conservative right away as a fascist, in short he is the prototype of the "occupy scum" extreme left.

can we all agree to said:
Tue, 04 Oct 2016 23:37:01 +0800

can we all agree to just ignore Douche-0-Witz? No mentions him, no one responds to him, no one even acknowledges that he exists, is in the room, has made a statement, anything … every screechy histrionic stream of babble which issues forth from his mouth can be written out ahead of time by any of us because we all know its coming and we all know his shtick – it is so predictable and pathetic it is beyond the word pathetic (is there a word beyond pathetic?)

Uno spettacolo di si said:
Tue, 04 Oct 2016 21:44:46 +0800

Uno spettacolo di sistema operativo: stabile, efficiente e sicuro. Come tutti i BSD, d’altronde.. .#1Le canzoni ufficiali delle release, sono quelle che più mi fanno attendere l’uscita dell’OS. Si può dire che aspetto OpenBSD più per le canzoni